Lion Cubs: First Triplets at 2 months
Shot at Vumbura Camp in the Okavango Delta in Nov. 2006 with a1Ds Mark II and Canon 300mm 2.8 lens.
On my 3rd safari and 1st visit to the Okavango Delta, I had an over the top, home run sighting. It was the first time that I saw a lioness with 2 month old triplets. And woohoo - she carried them in her mouth because the cubs were tired and begged for Mom to pick them up. It was a serene setting but our hearts galloped while we watched Mom move her three cubs a very long distance. They were on their way meet the pride for the very first time. Along the way, there was some drama when 2 hyenas intercepted their route on a dirt path. But all went well and the cubs arrived safely just as we lost the available light. In near darkness, we sat near the pride hidden in dense bush as they growled and gorged on a zebra. We prayed that they accepted the cubs without incident.
All images © Christina J. Prestegard 2004 - 2025. ALL RIGHTS RESERVED.